Life is all about embracing new experiences and making memories that last a lifetime. That's why I've chosen the mantra "Have Fun and Go" as the driving force behind my adventures. Whether it's exploring new lands, trying new things, or embarking on a wild journey, the key to making the most of life is to have fun doing it.
"We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing"
My love for travel and adventure started with the dream of embarking on a World Trip. My initial plan was to document my journey under the name "Everyday Adventure." I was ecstatic when I found that the name was still available on YouTube, so I quickly claimed it and started posting videos. However, things didn't go as smoothly when it came to securing the Instagram handle. Yup, it was already taken -rookie mistake- so I chose; "ThisIsEverydayAdventure." Now I have two different handles. After that, I discovered that the .com website was taken and other social media handles weren't available. Man, oh man! But, I was too occupied with the preparations and the trip itself, so I couldn't be bothered.
But now, I'm ready for a fresh start. I'm gearing up for another World Trip, and I couldn't be more excited. That's why I've decided to rebrand and choose a new name that embodies the spirit of fun and adventure. And so, "Have Fun and Go" was born. Join me on this journey as I embark on new adventures and make memories that will last a lifetime.