The Journey


Curious about my travel routes, stories and more? This is the place where you can find all the information about my first World Trip to Iraq and my current solo World Trip to Nepal and beyond.
Scroll down for all the information!

With your support, you help me to continue my World Travel and create blogs and videos for you! Thank you for being by my side, and let’s explore the world together!

Europe Trip 2023

Right now, I’m somewhere on planet Earth, driving around in my self-converted Land Rover Defender camper. This is where you can find all the information about my current solo World Trip!

World Trip 2019/2020

After months of preparations, I started my first World Trip in September 2019 for one year. I bought a Land Rover Defender 110 for the Overlanding trip, which I converted into an off-grid camper. I traveled all the way to Iraq, where the journey came to an unexpected end.